You can apply for funding through one of our two programmes - Perth & Kinross or Rest of Scotland.

This will depend on if the proposed activity is taking place within Perth and Kinross, or elsewhere in Scotland.

Please note that if your activity is taking place in Perth and Kinross AND any other local authority area, you can either

a) apply for funding for ONLY the Perth and Kinross element of the activity by using the Perth and Kinross application; or

b) apply for funding for the activity across the several local authority areas using our Rest of Scotland outcomes and application.

Projects taking place specifically within Perth and Kinross have different outcomes to ‘Rest of Scotland’ activity and can apply for a larger range of funding. Please ensure you have read our Grant Making Strategy 2022-2027 and the accompanying Guidance Notes for Grant Applicants carefully to ensure your charity and the work that you would like us to fund are eligible.

To make an application login or register.