General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 

Note: This is an extract of our Privacy Policy which is relevant to our grant making activities. A copy of the full policy can be found on our website.

GDPR is relevant to

  • organisations that are potential, current and past grant recipients of The Gannochy Trust; 
  • organisations and individuals that are interested in hearing more about The Gannochy Trust and its activities such as funding guidelines, newsletters and information about events. 

Privacy Statement  

We are committed to protecting the privacy of your data. We wish to respect any personal data you share with us and keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your data and not do anything you would not reasonably expect.

Please read this Privacy Statement carefully to understand our practice and how we will collect, use and store your personal data. We may update this statement from time to time, so please check it regularly. If there are significant updates, we will inform those people with whom we are in regular contact.

Who we are 

The Gannochy Trust is a registered charity (SC003133) based in Perth city, Scotland. Our activities include: funding charities in Perth and Kinross and across Scotland; providing housing; managing our wider estate, from buildings to woodlands. The Trust was founded in 1937 by A. K. Bell, who gifted part of his estate to ‘be held…for certain charitable purposes’. We continue to work to realise A. K. Bell’s vision today. More information about The Gannochy Trust and our work is available on our website.  

Why we collect information about you 

Primarily, we collect information to allow us to provide you with the information or service you have requested from us and to tailor them to ensure they are relevant to you. We also want to improve how we communicate with you.

What are the lawful grounds on which we rely to process your personal data? 

There are six lawful bases for processing data. The Gannochy Trust processes information for the following two reasons:

  • as necessary in the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the charity to acquire the information necessary to process applications for grants; and 
  • for compliance with legal obligations, in order to meet our legislative responsibilities as a funder - for example providing full and accurate information to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) as necessary. 

How we collect your information  

The Gannochy Trust may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information:

  • information that you give to us directly; 
  • information that you provide to us for the purpose of applying for a grant
  • any other information that you choose to send us or provide to us including telephone calls, letters, email or by responding to one of our surveys. 

We may link our website directly to other sites. This privacy notice does not cover external websites and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any external websites you visit.  


When you make an application for grant funding, we will process information about the charity applicant, for the purpose of assessing the request for funding. In the main, the assessment requires organisational information, but may include details of trustees, the board, employees, volunteers or relevant stakeholders. We will also process information that is relevant to the organisation’s finances during assessment.

When personal information is required, this will be provided by the applicant, or through public records relating to the applicant such as OSCR or Companies House. We require the applicant to have authority to include any personal data. When such data is included in the application, the applicant should have made the relevant parties aware of this privacy notice.

The Gannochy Trust processes this information for the following reasons:

  • as necessary for the performance of tasks carried out in the public interest, in this case the disbursement of funds to a variety of charitable organisations who meet the Gannochy Trust’s charitable objects; 
  • as necessary in the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the charity, in this case to acquire the information necessary to process grant applications; and 
  • for compliance with legal obligations, in this case to provide full and accurate information to OSCR as necessary. 

The terms and conditions of a grant offer from The Gannochy Trust sets out that at specific times, we will expect a report, detailing the progress that you have made against your outcomes. The information that we process at this point is provided by you. Should you reference any details of trustees, the board, employees, volunteers or relevant stakeholders in your report, it is your responsibility to have their authority to do so and to make them aware of this privacy notice.

Grants retention period 

The Gannochy Trust reserves the right to hold data related to grant applications for archive purposes and to facilitate a high standard of due diligence so the charity can continue to fulfil its charitable objects.

Your application and associated correspondence, emails and reports will be held in our database and our files for 10 years after your grant has come to an end. In some cases where the Trust has provided significant capital funding as part of a long-term investment, we will reserve the right to keep that information permanently on our records.

How we keep your data safe and who has access to it 

Personal or sensitive information will be treated with the strictest confidence. We are committed to ensuring that there are appropriate technical controls in place to protect your personal details from misuse and unauthorised access. For example, our electronic files are password protected and our network is protected and routinely tested. Manual files containing your personal or sensitive data are kept in a secure location and can only be accessed by authorised members of The Gannochy Trust staff. No personal information is kept on the Trust’s laptop and only password protected memory sticks are used to store personal information.

Our contractors and service providers are required to comply with the law and our own Data Processing Agreement to ensure data is managed appropriately and for specified purposes.

We do not subject your personal data to any automated decision making.


We may contact you by telephone, post or email to let you know about the Trust’s activities.

Your rights 

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you. If you want to access your information, please send a description of the information you want to see and proof of your identity to

Please let us know if you have any queries or concerns about the way that your data is being processed by contacting us on the details below. You are also entitled to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, and for further information see the Information Commissioner’s guidance here.

Data retention  

In some cases, we are obliged to retain your personal data to comply with legal or statutory obligations (for example, to keep records of contractual or financial matters).

Whilst the specific time periods vary depending on the circumstances, in general we will not keep records that include personal data for more than six years after a particular matter, transaction or exchange has concluded. In the event that you ask us to stop sending you information, we will retain certain details, such as your name, to help us ensure that you are not contacted again.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy statement are welcomed and should be addressed to

Changes to this privacy statement  

We keep our privacy statement under regular review. This privacy statement was last updated in May 2020.